Gea Gort & BAM MOVES
Dr. Gea Gort is specialized in Business as Mission (BAM). This concept provides a theological foundation and tools to entrepreneurial individuals to serve society – to the glory of God.
As podcast-host, she explores mindsets and shares stories to trigger the imagination how BAM can look like in different contexts.
As initiator of BAM Moves she develops courses to give insights how to make the spiritual tangible and how to build flourishing cultures.
As coach, she facilitates understanding; on an individual and spiritual level.
As missiologist, journalist and author she does research and writes books and articles. She co-founded and leads BAM Netherlands.
Course with Bill Job
The course is developed together with Bill Job, and based on his thirty years Business as Mission experiences: what God taught him so he could become fruitful spiritually, excel professionally and be joy-filled.
Gea has been focusing on Business as Mission (BAM) since 2015. As a trained journalist, she initially conducted research on how Europeans engage with BAM and its relevance on this continent, later expanding her study to a global context. During this period, she authored two books: BAM! (Dutch) and BAM Global Movement. She first encountered BAM while pursuing her studies at Bakke Graduate University.
Gea earned her Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree in Missiology with a focus on ‘Transformational Leadership for the Global City.’ Her debut book, God in the City (2012), was an integral part of her dissertation. In this work, she explores the integration of mission within urban living and working environments.
While living in Rotterdam (Netherlands) she led GIDSnetwerk, a movement of Christian leaders. She felt a calling to be actively involved in the city and also facilitated a weekly prayer gathering for the city, and served for eight years as a member of an advisory committee for the local government. Since Rotterdam is the most multicultural city in The Netherlands, her book God Ain’t White (Dutch ‘God is niet wit’) emerged from her engagement, as in 2013 the Dutch commemorated the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery. The book features 15 interviews with influential individuals of color and white church leaders. It got a lot of publicity.
From 1982 to 1990, Gea and her family lived and worked aboard the MV Anastasis, actively participating in pioneering the ministry of Mercy Ships’ hospital vessels. In 1990, Gea and her husband, Menno, relocated to Rotterdam to establish Mercy Ships Netherlands.
Business as Mission (BAM)
BAM Moves is connected with a global movement called Business as Mission. A movement of people who want to make the world more beautiful and fairer through business, and who regard their daily work as a means to forward God’s Kingdom.
Find out more at Business as Mission, BAM Global or BAM Netherlands.
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